Baoding Guokun, China sand casting factory
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Both WCB and WCC are grades of ASTM A216 cast steels. ASTM A216 has three grading levels: A, B, and C, with C being the highest or “best.” From A to C, the manganese content and yield strength increase. WCC, while similar to WCB, has different chemical and physical requirements.

WCC contains the exact maximum percentages of Residual Elements; however, for every 0.1% reduction of Carbon below the maximum (0.30%), the Manganese can be increased by .04% without passing a maximum of 1.40% (instead of the 1.28% for WCB). It comprises the same elements as WCB, except with slighter less carbon and a higher maximum percentage of manganese.

WCC has a higher pressure and temperature resistance than WCB because WCC has a higher yield strength and manganese content. Adding manganese to the steel can increase hardness and make it more durable. WCC is considered superior to WCB as it is stronger and better for casting due to its high density and binding.

Because of these attributes, WCC tends to be more expensive. While it is considered better than WCB, the small increase in physical properties usually doesn’t justify the higher price. As such, WCB valves see much more frequent use in industry.

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